Friday, March 11, 2011

Girls Will be Boys Will be Girls

A short and shameless plug for a project that I was involved in many years ago, and am still very proud of...
I couldn't make a list of my favorite children's books without including the coloring book, Boys Will be Girls Will be Boys, created by Jacinta Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer and illustrated by 21 artists (including myself.)
Originally printed as a zine with cut and paste illustrations, it was reprinted by Soft Skull Press with new illustrations drawn by an impressive array of artists in 2004.
The coloring book addresses the issue of gender with page titles such as "Sometimes the princess is saved by the girl next door," and "Don't let gender box you in."
I highly recommend getting a copy of the coloring book for all the kids in your life. It is humorous and beautiful, and even includes questions for discussing gender with kids!
You can order it here

along with the wonderful follow ups, Girls are Not Chicks, and Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away With Another Spoon!!

1 comment:

  1. Heya, I found your blog whilst looking for radical childrens literature, and I really enjoy what you write.
    Im doing a degree in book arts and design and have an interest in childrens literature, but I find that alot of people are discouraging me as its seen of a 'second class' stuff. Ive recently started this just for my own explorations of the subject of childrens literature.
